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Tag: food allergies
Allergy Doctor Dallas Texas – Dr. Barbara Baxter
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According to Allergy UK, allergy to peanut and tree nuts is the most common food allergy, and allergy to peanuts affects around 1 in 50 young children.
Most allergic reactions to peanuts and tree nuts are mild, but some can be severe and can lead to anaphylaxis, where breathing becomes difficult due to asthma-like symptoms or throat swelling, and blood pressure can also drop.
Courtesy – Medical News Today #MNT! Click on the link to read more!
#Anaphylaxis is a severe #allergic reaction that needs emergency #medicaltreatment. It can happen in seconds or even hours after contact with something the person is allergic to, like foods, insect venom, latex, or medication. In rare cases, exercise and physical activity also can trigger anaphylaxis.
Symptoms may include:
– Hoarseness
– Tightness in the throat
– Wheezing, or trouble breathing or swallowing
– #Hives
– Swollen eyes or lips
Read more at: | Courtesy – WebMD
10 percent of children tracked had #allergy to peanuts, eggs or milk.
Read more at: | Courtesy – WebMD.
The New England Journal of Medicine published an article this week titled “Oral Immunotherapy for Treatment of Egg Allergy in Children“. The lead author was Dr. Wesley Burks, president of the Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
The significant finding is that oral immunotherapy can desensitize a high proportion of children with egg allergy. In the long run, oral immunotherapy can induce long-standing protection against egg sensitivity so that children can continue to eat eggs after the treatment is stopped.
The excitement in this new field of oral immunotherapy is that previous studies have shown that this treatment is effective for peanut allergy, and now the same has been shown for egg allergy. Parents should be warned that this is not an overnight treatment success. Results take time!!
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According to experts, the eight most common food allergies are:
- Milk
- Egg
- Wheat
- Soy
- Peanuts
- Tree nuts
- Shellfish
- Fish
The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology notes certain allergies (e.g., milk, eggs and soy) may disappear over time, while others (e.g., nuts and fish) are more likely to last a lifetime.
Food Allergy Symptoms: Mild to Life-Threatening
Food allergy symptoms may be mild (e.g., itchy mouth) or potentially deadly (e.g., anaphylaxis). FARE has reported that food allergy reactions are responsible for more than 200,000 emergency department visits every year.
Food allergy symptoms include itching, sneezing, runny nose, abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, eczema, hives and swelling of the lips/mouth (also referred to as oral allergy syndrome when it occurs as the only symptom). Another food allergy event is feeling like food is stuck in the esophagus during swallowing, which could be indicative of a condition called eosinophilic esophagitis.
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Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Allergy-Immunology, Dr. Barbara Baxter, an allergy doctor Dallas TX practices in North Dallas.
Dr. Baxter is a member of Genesis Physicians Group, the American Medical Association, the Texas Medical Association, the Dallas County Medical Society and the Texas Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Society.
We offer the following services:
- Allergy skin testing for inhalant, food and insect sensitivities
- Patch testing for contact dermatitis
- Penicillin skin testing
- Allergy immunotherapy injections and clusters of injections
- Evaluation of the immune system for people with recurrent or unusual infections
- Pulmonary function testing including exhaled nitric oxide measurements
- Infusion therapy for humoral immune deficiencies
- Xolair injections (anti-IqE) for severe asthma
- Seasonal flu shots (September to May)
- Pnuemovax (pneumonia vaccine)
- Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis for adults
- TB test
- Microscopic exam of nasal secretions and sputum
- Blood tests
- Tympanometry
- Cultures, when indicated; immediate Strep assays
- Nebulizer treatments for asthma
- Measurement of blood oxygen saturation (pulse Oximetry)
- Methacholine challenge test
- A comprehensive weight loss and maintenance program in partnership with Ideal Protein
- Counseling for select patients including hypnosis and regression
- Opportunities to participate in clinical trials of new medications for a broad variety of conditions through Discovery Clinical Trials partnership.
- The opportunity to experience energy healing through a method called reiki.