Dallas allergist, doctor Barbara Baxter believes in treating the individual patient as a whole, not just a set of symptoms or problems. If you are a prospective or current patient of Dr. Baxter’s, you may be interested to learn more about her perspective on wellness and some of the general services she provides to patients of her allergy, asthma and immunology practice.

A Commitment to Fight Obesity

Obesity clearly makes asthma worse, and frequently causes sleep apnea. Getting quality sleep is difficult enough with nasal allergies that improving sleep is frequently a concern she helps patients tackle. As a physician, she feels an inherent responsibility to actively engage individuals who struggle with obesity. Dr. Baxter believes that patients should re-train their bodies to balance out the gradual weight gain that is common with aging. For many people, this can be accomplished on their own through reasonable modifications to their diet and exercise routines. Others may need extra support, from either a physician, dietician or other healthcare professional.

Through coaching services and a program called the Ideal Protein Diet, Dr. Baxter equips her patients with the resources they need to live happier, healthier lives. She also provides access to in-home sleep studies, by consultation with sleep specialists.

Learn more about the Ideal Protein Diet.


Anxiety and depression afflict extraordinary numbers of Americans these days, and they impact every condition from which humans suffer. In order to be a more complete physician, Dr. Baxter began studying hypnotherapy in the fall of 2012.

She has completed hundreds of hours of training in hypnotherapy since — in Texas, California and New York — under master teachers Mark Johnson, Randall Churchill and Brian Weiss, MD, and is gradually learning how to integrate it into her practice. She is certified by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (ACHE) in this extra skill, which requires passing a written and practical skills examination.

Dr. Baxter uses hypnotherapy for many types of wellness goals, including healthy eating, smoking cessation, anxiety and current and past-life regressions. Through hypnotherapy, Dr. Baxter strives to help empower patients to discover the pathway to health from within.

Energy Healing

Dr. Baxter is a second degree reiki practitioner. Reiki treatments can be used to alleviate pain and speed healing of inflamed tissues. If you are interested in experiencing this type of therapy, please let Dr. Baxter know and she will include it with your visit.

Learn More about Dr. Baxter’s Wellness Philosophy

For more information about the Ideal Protein Diet, health coaching, sleep studies, hypnotherapy or another aspect of Dr. Baxter’s wellness philosophy, please call today.